One area that the AI generated Fake news may also drive runs on Banks and Markets in general -
Where does the liability sit where fake news drives a run on a stock ...
02 Jun 2023 13:50 Read comment
It is not just thier customers funds at risk but also the customers credentials. There will nee to be suitable suoervisory checks on administrators when engaging in the sale of the compant and or disposal of its assets. Otherwise there is a risk this valuable data could fall in to the hands for fraudsters / criminals.
25 May 2020 09:24 Read comment
PS - the presentation was for Smart Payments Forum
26 Feb 2018 16:49 Read comment
Hi Hitesh,
The token I forsee the token interfacing via a contactless based technology and the acceptable form factors dependant on a set of central banks requirements much like notes today.
Ultimately the form factor will enable currencies to maintain their national identity and provide the token trust of the transferable value held.
26 Feb 2018 16:44 Read comment
Great comment originally payments were complex to Transfer money from buyers to sellers. That is changing then the issue becomes trust, confirmed payments and redress / insurance when there is a breakdown in a complex transaction. Schemes help manage this the question is whether the costs are greater than the benefits. If a new entrant can manage this efficiently they could disrupt the the current status quo. Do you want to chat about this further?
02 Oct 2017 16:25 Read comment
This is a great step and following the next step of mapping the logical data will provide the two tools that will make meeting further regulatory changes easier to assess and prove compliance. For example to meet the GDPR regulations these models will help visualise the problem, design the change programme and validate the results. This tool will help other changes as well Great work and possibly a concept that will be taken up by many other financial industry organisations not just banks.
24 Aug 2017 08:55 Read comment
Good post - accessing card payments is getting simpler but the underlieing card rules are getting ever more complex.
Technology through API's and standard components is making the tech easier. Technology through different card based products phones, tags, contactless and EMV has made the rules and regulations more complex.
22 Aug 2017 15:26 Read comment
Dare I say previously parents gave their chidren cash.
I agree the service needs full transaction control for spending via the card... Cash needs a store to break the law if providing goods children are not allowed to buy.
I trust Danska bank have a card controls platform such as First Performance to control what the card can be used for onine or in store and notify parents.
03 Jul 2017 13:19 Read comment
One also needs to look at Cash and Cards as Tokens that change with time as well as push and pull payment model.
The physical form of cash has changed over time and will continue to change.
The Card has also changed in form over the last 50 years in terms of technology.
The card schemes will also continue to evolve as consumers require payments to be both pull and push to manage the different usecases.
I forsee that in many usecases cash may be dematerialised as well as cards in some scenarios. The question is will the payment rails be a managed scheme or a scheme modeled more like a cash model (commodity value model).
One thing we can predict is there will only be change if it reduces payment costs to individuals and organisations or it is reguated now in very large markets.
21 Jun 2017 10:40 Read comment
Some interesting thoughts here:
1. These cargo ships evolved as there was no calm sea to sail in i.e. card schemes developed as there was no reguation to calm the sea and the ships had to manage these issues.
This is now less of an issue and with PSD2 and other develoments in the identification of payers these large ships in some environments may be now hindering innovation.
2. The challenge for the card schemes will be to deal with the challenges across the various channels. The goal of others will be create new payment methods or reuse existing methods such as direct account billing or card on file in a way that can mitigate the shark attacks from fraudsters in a way that mitigates these payment risks.
3. Interesting developments in always online connectivity between banks, merchants and consumers should make this feasible. Other innovations I see that could support the Kayakers are transaction notifications that could be used to potentially to alter payments to be more interactive and potentially more secure.
The question I see is will the card schemes understand how to help merchants and consumers interact more closely or will new payment methods and services deliver this outside of the card schemes.
Interestingly not being in the Generation y or Z my wife finds a notifcation of her AMEX payment on her phone as reassuring and real technology innovation.
15 May 2017 16:57 Read comment
Digital Identity Management
Alexander De LangeConsultant at Aurelia Financial Consultants cc
Paul DavidsonConsultant at Expense Reduction Analysts
Tobias Henryconsultant at Capco
Sudhish NairConsultant at Oracle Financial Services
Edward MathesonConsultant at Deloitte
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